Updates on the economy in Surrey

With the economic conditions continuing to concern all it’s important that as business people we all ensure that we have the latest economic information at our finger tips, even if it seemingly changes daily.

The major worry at present concerns our worryingly low levels of growth. The new Iod Director General, Simon Walker recently unveiled IoD’s growth plan but it’s clear that some of the big steps required will probably not be taken by the Government for a variety of reasons.

In Surrey we will be focussing on the economy and striving to develop the best events for a our members to obtain vital economic intelligence. We have two key events, both free of charge, for members this autumn. Firstly involving coping with Business Risk with on October 14th in Croydon featuring IoD Chief Economist Graeme Leach.


The second is a briefing from the Bank Of England on prevailing economic conditions at Farnham on November 29th. I urge you to attend and realise the value you can get from  IoD membership.


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