Category Archives: Innovation

Data security and the “cloud”

I’m currently working on my new research project with DMH Stallard. This time we are looking into the problems manufacturing, technology and engineering business face when dealing with the avalanche of data they have to handle as the economy becomes … Continue reading

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Innovation through events

I’m really pleased that over the last few months our events at Iod Surrey seem to be hitting the mark and delivering value to members. Of particular note I was enthused that over 75 members and guests braved the traffic … Continue reading

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Patents are a Virtue

It is great to see that the DMH Stallard report concering how manufacturing companies manage their intellectual property, “Protect and prosper”, is still generating interest nearly six months after it was first published. I was recently interviewed by the Wall … Continue reading

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New Director for Surrey based “Lean energy” Business Very pleased to be joining the team at Ecopare.  

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Living in the “L” of the recovery

As we move through summer and wait for the recovery to take hold and the economy to begin to grow, it seems to me that most businesses are just going to have to get used to working as we do … Continue reading

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Further press and web coverage of the DMH Stallard IP report

Interesting to see further coverage and comments on the report: BVR’s Intellectual Property blog Institute of Operations Management DPA Magazine Yahoo Finance Cybercrime unit Applegate This is Money

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Launch of DMH Stallard Report “Plan, Protect and Prosper”. How manufacturers leverage IP to create value and safeguard their futures

DMH Stallard Report PAGES After six months of research , working with leading manufacturing and engineering companies in the South East of England, we launched our report in London on the 23rd May. An invited audience shared the issues surrounding … Continue reading

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