Category Archives: Innovation

Engaging with Generation Y

      My latest article in South East Business Magazine     The article can be found here

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South East SMEs contribute to Britain’s maritime history

  This week heralds an important event in Britain’s maritime history. On the 4th July, HM Queen will formally name HMS Queen Elizabeth at Rosyth Dockyard. This long awaited aircraft carrier will be the largest ship ever used by the … Continue reading

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How to Reduce the Risk of Future Failure by Using Effective Succession Planning

The recent debacle at Manchester United shows how important the need for succession planning is. The decision to allow Sir Alex Ferguson to anoint his “chosen one” successor, David Moyes in the role without a full and open recruitment process … Continue reading

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Joining the team at G&B Electronics

I’m very pleased to be joining the team at G&B Electronics Designs as Business Strategist. G&B Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS) specialise in supplying competitive electronic manufacturing services. Working closely with their customers G&B develop a bespoke electronic manufacturing outsourcing plan … Continue reading

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The Business Growth Fund

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What Manufacturing and Engineering Businesses Can Learn from the Service Sector

It’s been interesting for me over the last four years to see how my career has continuously intertwined with the service sector. It’s surprising how often the deep divide is between manufacturing and service although I do see some companies … Continue reading

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Latest blog on the SME Rocket “Exceeding your client’s expectations”

    I often write about how manufacturing businesses innovate to survive and thrive in the tough economic conditions we have faced and continue to face. The common assumption of a manufacturing business in the South East is that they … Continue reading

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My Posts on the DMH Business Beanstalk website

For those that are not aware I post blogs regularly about manufacturing in the South East on the DMH Stallard “Business Beanstalk” site This is an article about how medical equipment manufacturer Eschmann stays competitive in a global marketplace Another … Continue reading

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Turning the tide?

My recent article on a South East manufacturers successfully “re-shoring” work from China – published on the DMH Stallard “Business Beanstalk”    

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The correct support for firms

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