Category Archives: General

Evaluating a company Board or management team before making an investment

  When a company decides to invest in another business, it’s expected that due diligence is undertaken to audit the finances of the business and that commercial potential is assessed before any decisions are made to proceed with an investment … Continue reading

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PyTerra in “The Water Report”

My colleague David Arscott has written an interesting article on the future of water services along with colleagues from Ricardo-AEA and WSP. It details how the delivery of water services could be reformed by democratising, integrating and optimising the delivery … Continue reading

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Solving the productivity conundrum

Recently the new Uk Parliament published a paper on productivity  in an attempt to further raise the  importance of the subject with our politicians (who probably aren’t the most productive bunch themselves – but that’s another story). Jonty Bloom’s recent paper … Continue reading

Posted in business, General, Innovation, Manufacturing & Engineering, Policy | 1 Comment

The start of another political campaign

        My latest article in South East Business magazine sets the scene for the upcoming debate over the UK’s continuing membership of the European Union. The last survey of IoD members over a year ago though our … Continue reading

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Renewable energy on the South Coast

This month saw the launch of a major project to provide renewable energy for up to 300,000 homes on the South Coast of England. The 400MW “Rampion” project will use 116 wind turbines to save up to 600,000 tonnes of … Continue reading

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LEP Network 2015

An interesting day spent at the Local Enterprise Network conference for 2015 Some very interesting discussions were held particularly in the breakout sessions in the afternoon. I even got interviewed in the conference video – not sure about the beard … Continue reading

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A pre-election request for some tax reforms

My recent article in South East Business magazine makes a plea for some simple tax reforms   More information on the IoD tax position can be found here within the “Big Picture” magazine   The full article can be … Continue reading

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Starting out on the Non-Executive Director journey

  My latest article in South East Business Magazine.   The full article can be found here

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My latest article in South East Business Magazine about the “sharing economy”

    The original article can be found here   Further information from the IoD on the topic can be found here   and the report here Share the Wealth-3

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Exciting news for DMH Stallard in Surrey

  Article from the Surrey Advertiser

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