Category Archives: General

Interviewing key business figures

I seem to have created some sort of career interviewing people! I have interviewed Charles Morgan former CEO of Morgan Cars and Stuart Garner CEO of Norton Motorcycles in front of a live audience at the Knowledge Peers Conferences at … Continue reading

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Promoting the three “P”s within IoD in the South East

It’s a great honour to have been selected to be the Regional Chairman and I’m busy now getting on with the challenge. I will be making a point of getting out to branches during the year and seeing how branches … Continue reading

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How do you implement performance management in an SME?

An issue that often isn’t grasped by organisations is the one of performance management. Too often, those in the organisation that fail to perform adequately, are seen to be seemingly ignored by management. Their poor performance is allowed to continue. … Continue reading

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A lesson for all exporters

      You can fine the full article here

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Engaging with Generation Y

      My latest article in South East Business Magazine     The article can be found here

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How to assess and improve your Board’s performance

Theses are two recent blogs I have written about improving your performance in the Boardroom

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Responding to Global Risks

    My latest column in South East Business Magazine- the full article can be found here

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Wishing IoD Surrey well for the future

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South East SMEs contribute to Britain’s maritime history

  This week heralds an important event in Britain’s maritime history. On the 4th July, HM Queen will formally name HMS Queen Elizabeth at Rosyth Dockyard. This long awaited aircraft carrier will be the largest ship ever used by the … Continue reading

Posted in General, Innovation, Manufacturing & Engineering, Policy, Surrey | Leave a comment

How to Reduce the Risk of Future Failure by Using Effective Succession Planning

The recent debacle at Manchester United shows how important the need for succession planning is. The decision to allow Sir Alex Ferguson to anoint his “chosen one” successor, David Moyes in the role without a full and open recruitment process … Continue reading

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