Category Archives: General

Keeping pace with ethical technologies

I recently co-authored an article for LexisNexis with colleagues from DMH Stallard about the ethical sourcing of materials and the pressures on manufacturers to adhere to ethical standards.   The full article can be found here    

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Exporting for success

  My column for the November issue of Platinum Business magazine    

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Looking forward to 2016

My December 2016 article for Platinum Business magazine looking forward to issues that will be facing us in 2016           The full magazine can be found here    

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Crunch time coming for “Brexit” in 2016

  My latest article in South East Business magazine   the full article can be found here     

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New NED position

I’m very pleased to have recently been appointed to the Board of the Cavendish Consortium. Cavendish Enterprise (the trading name of Cavendish Consortium Ltd) is a group made up of six of the largest enterprise agencies across England, together with … Continue reading

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The Volkswagen debacle and the lack of good governance

With every day that passes we see a further unravelling of the disaster that’s affecting VW Group. It’s been interesting to see how this has affected their multitude of brands and how it will impact on new models, R&D and … Continue reading

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Discussing the thorny issue of immigration

    My recent article in South East Business Magazine discusses the thorny topic of immigration and what it means for the business community. Immigration seems to be a political “hot potato” for any Government but the events of the … Continue reading

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New column in “Platinum Business”

      Mt new column in Platinum Business magazine launched this month, some more contentious topics to come for sure!

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Time to celebrate successful leadership

        Those of you who attended the  Gala Dinner  for the IoD London and South East Director of the Year awards back in the spring, will I’m sure like me, have been very impressed with the excellent … Continue reading

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Who leads the field in good governance?

My latest article for South East Business Magazine on the issue of good governance   You can find the full article here SE Business article   You can find the full IoD report here IoD report    

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