Category Archives: General

A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from David Seall

  A Charitable donation has been made to the Salvation Army

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Turning the tide?

My recent article on a South East manufacturers successfully “re-shoring” work from China – published on the DMH Stallard “Business Beanstalk”    

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Interesting developments on “Funding for lending” scheme to help to manage a housing boom

              Recently I wrote my monthly article for South East Business in which I expressed my and indeed the IoD team’s concerns over whether the government was creating the conditions for another potentially damaging housing … Continue reading

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Backing Young Undergraduates and giving them a chance

Aan article from November’s South East Business magazine discussing the “Year in Industry” scheme           The link to the magazine can be found here

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“Sparking Surrey” in November’s South East Business

I was very pleased to contribute to this month’s South East Business magazine with a contribution to the debate about how to grow the economy of Surrey.           The link to the magazine can be found here … Continue reading

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In the news- Ramsey Hall appointment

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The correct support for firms

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The importance of STEM to the economy

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Developing Acquisition Criteria: A Checklist for Identifying Target Companies

I recently interviewed a leading UK defence company on their views on the current M&A market and how they selected suitable companies to acquire. The findings are here.

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South East Business

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