Category Archives: Policy

In the news


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The trials and tribulations of exporting and working overseas

    We are told that the way to salvation for the UK’s stagnating economy is for all businesses to export. Additionally it’s not just to our fellow members of the EU but also to the emerging markets around the … Continue reading

Posted in General, Innovation, Manufacturing & Engineering, Policy, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Partnerships in Surrey

Looking back on the Olympic games I’m sure we are all pleased with the way the Olympic events reflected on the County. Although the mens’s road race didn’t go to plan, or the rest didn’t follow our plan! The other … Continue reading

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New partnership in Surrey

Surrey County Council & IoD set key partnership I was very pleased to sign a new memorandum of understanding with Surrey County Council on behalf of the Surrey branch of IoD recently. With economic growth stagnating it’s very important that … Continue reading

Posted in General, Policy, Surrey | 1 Comment

The views of Terry Smith on the “occupy” movement

Last week I had the pleasure of attending the 25th Annual Tacitus Lecture held by the Worshipful Company of World Traders at the Guildhall in the City of London. I have the honour of being a Liveryman of the company … Continue reading

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Innovation through events

I’m really pleased that over the last few months our events at Iod Surrey seem to be hitting the mark and delivering value to members. Of particular note I was enthused that over 75 members and guests braved the traffic … Continue reading

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Launch of the DMH Stallard report “Ethics and Compliance, How manufacturers are embracing the challenge and reducing their risk

After six months of  interviewing manufacturing and engineering  businesses both large and small across the South East of England with my colleague Simon Bellm,  I’m pleased that we are now publishing the DMH Stallard  report on “Ethics & Compliance”. I … Continue reading

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Updates on the economy in Surrey

With the economic conditions continuing to concern all it’s important that as business people we all ensure that we have the latest economic information at our finger tips, even if it seemingly changes daily. The major worry at present concerns … Continue reading

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How Manufacturers deal with “Compliance and Ethics”.

Over the summer months I have been working in my advisory capacity with DMH Stallard on a study into how manufacturing and engineering businesses are addressing the compliance issue, particularly regarding to ethical business. This was a follow on to … Continue reading

Posted in General, Manufacturing & Engineering, Policy | Leave a comment

Living in the “L” of the recovery

As we move through summer and wait for the recovery to take hold and the economy to begin to grow, it seems to me that most businesses are just going to have to get used to working as we do … Continue reading

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