Category Archives: Policy

All Party Manufacturing Group roundtable

It was a pleasure to Chair the recent APMG event in Westminster with our keynote speaker Bill Esterson MP, Shadow Minister for Business and International Trade. It was a lively discussion with excellent contributions from Lee Hopley, Will McGarrigle and … Continue reading

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Nurturing talent in the manufacturing sector

I recently posted an article on LinkedIn from “The Engineer” outlining the best way to get a job in engineering post graduation.   The comments below the article from graduates struggling to find work resonated with me. The common theme … Continue reading

Posted in business, Manufacturing & Engineering, Policy, technology | 1 Comment

Mental Health in the workplace

It has been interesting to note that mental health has now risen as an issue on both the business and political agenda, hence the focus on it in in the media over the last few months and in the recent … Continue reading

Posted in business, General, Policy, Surrey | 2 Comments

Time to remove the stigma of Mental Health at work

My recent column in South East Business magazine, the first of a series of articles dealing with mental health in the workplace     The full article can be found here

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Risk planning for 2017

My thoughts on risk management for my column in South East Business Magazine       The full article can be found here

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Partnership working in the 3rd Sector

One of the key issues holding back charities is the fight for sources of funding and income and the battle to reduce operating costs. Working closely or partnering with outer charities is sometimes the answer. More often than not it’s … Continue reading

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Brexit and Immigration

I guess amongst all of the current concerns causing uncertainty for businesses, a major one is  immigration. Coming from a manufacturing background I realise how dependent many companies have become on migrants from central europe to plug serious skills gaps … Continue reading

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Comments on “Brexit”, executive pay and rail transport- so nothing controversial there then!

I’ve attached some of my recent articles in the press in both Platinum Business Magazine and South East Business magazine. I’ve tried to tackle some very controversial subjects and give a pragmatic view- at least I’ve hoped so!    

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Business awards, why bother?

My latest article in Platinum business magazine     The magazine article can be found here

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Addressing the gender gap

Here’s my latest article in South East Business magazine discussing an issue where progress still needs to be made.     The published article can be found here

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